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Keyban React SDK

The Keyban React SDK provides a seamless way to integrate Keyban’s blockchain services into your React applications. It offers React hooks and components to manage accounts, perform transactions, retrieve balances, interact with NFTs, and more, all within the React ecosystem.


Install the Keyban React SDK using npm or yarn:

npm install @keyban/sdk-react


yarn add @keyban/sdk-react


To start using the Keyban React SDK, wrap your application with the KeybanProvider component. This component provides the necessary context for the SDK's hooks to function correctly.

Example of KeybanProvider Usage

import React from "react";
import { KeybanProvider, KeybanChain, KeybanClientShareProvider } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const App = () => {
return (
appId="your-app-id" // Your unique application ID from Keyban
chain={KeybanChain.EthereumAnvil} // Specify the blockchain network (e.g., Testnet or Mainnet)
clientShareProvider={React.useMemo(() => new KeybanClientShareProvider(), [])}
{/* Your application components go here */}
<YourMainComponent />

export default App;

Configuration Options

  • appId: Your application ID for authentication with the Keyban API.
  • chain: The blockchain network used by Keyban (e.g., KeybanChain.EthereumAnvil).
  • clientShareProvider: An instance of the KeybanClientShareProvider, responsible for securely storing and retrieving the client share via Keyban's infrastructure. For more details, refer to the KeybanClientShareProvider documentation.

Creating a Custom ClientShareProvider

The clientShareProvider can be customized to allow the integrator to control the storage and retrieval of client shares directly. Below is a guide on how to implement a custom ClientShareProvider.

Example Implementation

import { ClientShareProvider } from "@keyban/sdk-base";

export class MyClientShareProvider implements ClientShareProvider {
async get(): Promise<string | null> {
// Replace with your API endpoint or secure storage
return fetch("/api/clientShare").then((res) => res.json());

async set(clientShare: string): Promise<void> {
// Save the client share securely
await fetch("/api/clientShare", {
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify({ clientShare }),


The /api/clientShare endpoint (or any custom endpoint you define) is mandatory. This endpoint is responsible for securely saving and restoring the client shares for end users.

This example is intentionally simple and does not cover authentication mechanisms to protect access to this endpoint. It is the integrator's responsibility to implement appropriate security measures.

You can choose to use this custom provider instead of the default KeybanClientShareProvider if you require full control over client share storage.

Authentication Features

Using the useKeybanAuth Hook

The useKeybanAuth hook provides access to authentication features, allowing you to manage user login, logout, and authentication state.

import { useKeybanAuth } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const AuthInfo = () => {
const { isAuthenticated, login, logout } = useKeybanAuth();

if (isAuthenticated) {
return (
<button onClick={logout}>Logout</button>

return <button onClick={() => login()}>Login</button>;

Hook Return Values

  • user: The authenticated user object or null if not logged in.
  • isAuthenticated: A boolean indicating if the user is authenticated.
  • login: A function to initiate the login process.
  • logout: A function to log out the user.

For more details on authentication, refer to the KeybanAuthContext documentation.

Using the SignIn Component

The SignIn component renders a customizable sign-in form, supporting multiple authentication methods such as username/password and OAuth.

Example Usage

import { SignIn } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const AuthPage = () => {
return (
<SignIn enableGoogleAuth enableLoginPasswordAuth />

For more details, visit the SignIn documentation.

Using React Hooks

The Keyban React SDK provides several React hooks that allow you to interact with the Keyban API in a declarative and efficient manner.

Accessing the Keyban Client

Use the useKeybanClient hook to access the Keyban client within your components.

import { useKeybanClient } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const MyComponent = () => {
const keybanClient = useKeybanClient();

// Use keybanClient to interact with the Keyban API

Retrieving the Keyban Account

Use the useKeybanAccount hook to get the Keyban account associated with the current user.

import { useKeybanAccount } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const AccountInfo = () => {
const [account, error] = useKeybanAccount();

if (error) {
return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;

return <div>Account Address: {account.address}</div>;

Retrieving the Account Balance

Use the useKeybanAccountBalance hook to get the native token balance of the account.

import { useKeybanAccount, useKeybanAccountBalance } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const BalanceInfo = () => {
const [account, accountError] = useKeybanAccount();
const [balance, balanceError] = useKeybanAccountBalance(account);

if (accountError || balanceError) {
return <div>Error: {accountError?.message || balanceError?.message}</div>;

return <div>Balance: {balance}</div>;

Retrieving NFTs of the Account

Use the useKeybanAccountNfts hook to get the list of NFTs owned by the account.

import { useKeybanAccount, useKeybanAccountNfts } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const NftsList = () => {
const [account, accountError] = useKeybanAccount();
const [nfts, nftsError, { fetchMore, loading }] = useKeybanAccountNfts(account, { first: 5 });

if (accountError || nftsError) {
return <div>Error: {accountError?.message || nftsError?.message}</div>;

return (
<h3>Your NFTs</h3>
{ => (
<li key={}>
<p>NFT ID: {}</p>
<p>Collection: {nft.nft.collection?.name || "Unknown"}</p>
<p>Token ID: {nft.nft.tokenId}</p>
{nfts.hasNextPage && (
<button onClick={fetchMore} disabled={loading}>
{loading ? 'Loading...' : 'Load More'}

Performing Transactions

Use the methods available on the KeybanAccount instance to perform transactions.

Transferring Native Tokens

import { useKeybanAccount } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const TransferNativeToken = () => {
const [account] = useKeybanAccount();

const handleTransfer = async () => {
try {
const valueInWei = BigInt(1e18); // 1 ETH in Wei
const txHash = await account.transfer("0xRecipientAddress", valueInWei);
console.log(`Transaction sent: ${txHash}`);
} catch (err) {

return <button onClick={handleTransfer}>Send 1 ETH</button>;

Transferring ERC20 Tokens

import { useKeybanAccount } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const TransferERC20Token = () => {
const [account] = useKeybanAccount();

const handleTransferERC20 = async () => {
try {
const valueInWei = BigInt(1e18); // Amount to transfer in Wei
const txHash = await account.transferERC20({
contractAddress: "0xTokenContractAddress",
to: "0xRecipientAddress",
value: valueInWei,
console.log(`Transaction sent: ${txHash}`);
} catch (err) {

return <button onClick={handleTransferERC20}>Send ERC20 Token</button>;

Transferring NFTs

import { useKeybanAccount } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const TransferNft = () => {
const [account] = useKeybanAccount();

const handleTransferNft = async () => {
try {
const txHash = await account.transferNft({
contractAddress: "0xNftContractAddress",
tokenId: BigInt(1), // Token ID
to: "0xRecipientAddress",
standard: 'ERC721', // or 'ERC1155'
console.log(`Transaction sent: ${txHash}`);
} catch (err) {

return <button onClick={handleTransferNft}>Send NFT</button>;

Error Handling

The SDK provides error classes to handle different errors that may occur when using the SDK.

  • SdkError: Represents an SDK-specific error.
  • SdkErrorTypes: Enumeration of possible error types.

Example of Error Handling

import { SdkError, SdkErrorTypes } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

try {
// Operation that might fail
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof SdkError) {
switch (error.type) {
case SdkErrorTypes.AddressInvalid:
console.error("Invalid address");
// Handle other error types
console.error("SDK Error:", error.message);
} else {
console.error("Unexpected Error:", error);

Other Features

Formatting a Balance

Use the FormattedBalance component to display a balance in a readable format.

import { FormattedBalance } from "@keyban/sdk-react";

const balance = {
raw: BigInt(1000000000000000000), // 1 ETH in Wei
decimals: 18,
symbol: "ETH",
isNative: true,

const BalanceDisplay = () => {
return (
Balance: <FormattedBalance balance={balance} />


  • Ensure your components are wrapped by KeybanProvider for the hooks to function correctly.
  • Handle errors by checking the second element of the array returned by the hooks.
  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on future releases for new features and improvements.

Additional Resources